
Course Description

Course Description
Due to the current and evolving situation with Covid 19, the delivery methods of this course are subject to change. There may be times when the lessons will be held remotely, via live video calls, use of our Moodle area, private social media groups etc. By signing up to the course you are agreeing to this wide range of teaching and learning approaches; the lessons will be held in classrooms where this is usually the case, when it is safe to do so, and may be switched to online as the need arises.

This exciting new course is for learners with good computer experience who want to gain a modern nationally recognized qualification. With the increasingly large proportion of financial and governmental services being offered online and requirement for employees to access digital content or interact with digital devices becoming commonplace in a work environment it is important to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to gain these important digital skills. This is an Ascentis accredited Level 1 Essential Digital Skills course and the skills acquired through this qualification will allow learners to be able to be digitally mobile and access important governmental services, transact online and explore technologies, which will improve their social interactions with family and friends. It will also provide them with further opportunities to progress in work and further study.

Please note: This course runs on Tuesday and Wednesdays
Prosp Description
To develop essential digital skills necessary for work, life and further study, learners complete five components:

1. Using devices and handling information – keep it up to date, search for information, and understand jargon. Store information and manage files and folders. Be able to use online learning resources and solve common technical problems.
2. Creating and editing – using a word processor for more complex documents, such as a Curriculum Vitae and Cover letter, including tables. Capture, edit and insert pictures into documents. Use a spreadsheet to carry out simple calculations, and create and format graphs/charts.
3. Communicating – share information online with friends, family and work colleagues using a variety of methods: email, text, messenger, social media and video calls and conferencing. Know and understand how a digital footprint can be managed.
4. Transacting – use online services to book train / holiday / event tickets, sign up for a streaming service, bank online. Use online shops to compare buying options, and know how to identify scam websites.
5. Being safe and responsible online - understand how to protect personal information, online privacy, devices and data from online threats. The importance of backing up data, Data Protection and Copyright Laws. Digital wellbeing and the physical and psychological risks of being online.
ASSESSMENTS – This qualification is assessed by three online assessments which cover: core skills, skills for work and skills for life. For each, the learner needs to upload relevant documents, previously assessed by your tutor, before progressing onto the quiz element, including multiple-choice, missing word and short answers.

Prosp Learn
This course is suitable for those who have good knowledge of computers, for example, those who have completed the Entry 3 Award in Essential Digital Skills for Work and Life, or already have the skills listed below.

Learners will need the following Entry Level 3 skills before enrolling on this course:

• Be able to interact with a digital device e.g. inputting skills such as using a mouse, touch screen to navigate a graphic user interface, use a keyboard or touchscreen to input text and numbers into an application.

• Have an awareness of commonly used software applications and social media platforms.

• Know how to perform basic digital communications such as sending a text, email or conducting a voice call.

• Have an awareness of protecting data and maintaining privacy.

• Be able to complete simple online transactions.

Prosp Anything Else
This course is free if you meet the funding criteria. i.e. are unemployed and on a recognised benefit.
Prosp Additional Costs
This course gives you a good basis to progress on to many of our other Work Skills courses which require the use of IT to create portfolios or do research, such as Level 1 and 2 Awards in: Customer Service, Business & Administration and Adult Health & Social Care; or a Level 2 Certificate in Counselling. You can also progress to the Level 2 City & Guilds IT for Users accredited course, but you will be expected to type quite well – so you may need to practice!

If you wish to explore your learning, work or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice please telephone 01634 338400.

Prosp After
In order to get the most out of your course you will need to attend as many sessions as possible. We recommend at least 90%. If you do have a holiday booked during term time please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcomes. If you are unavoidably ill or unable to attend please contact 01634 338400 so that we can let your tutor know, and so they can send you any work you may have missed
Prosp Attendance
3.00 hrs per session
14 session(s)