
Course Description

Course Description
Due to the current and evolving situation with Covid 19, the delivery methods of this course are subject to change. There may be times when the lessons will be held remotely, via live video calls, use of our Moodle area, private social media groups etc. By signing up to the course you are agreeing to this wide range of teaching and learning approaches; the lessons will be held in classrooms where this is usually the case, when it is safe to do so, and may be switched to online as the need arises.

This course provides an excellent introduction to caring for children and will help learners develop the skills and knowledge learners need to provide care. Through a series of fun and engaging activities learners will cover topics such as communicating with children, supporting learning and planning for the care of children’s physical and emotional needs.

Please note: This course runs on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Prosp Description
Learners will learn about:

• The factors which influence growth and development of children from birth to 5 years 11 month

• How to support growth and development of children using activities that can promote physical development and encourage communication and social skills

• The use of craft activities for children of different ages to support development and how to maintain health and safety when doing this.

• Play and leisure activities for children in the local area and the benefits of play for children

• Preparing for their next steps, exploring personal career goals and steps to recruitment
Prosp Learn
This qualification is suitable for anyone wanting to gain knowledge and skills in caring for children.
Prosp Suitable
• Learners will need to attend an Advice and Guidance meeting prior to enrolling.

• Learners are fully supported to achieve their goals and we strive to be an inclusive provider
• Learners need to be aware that there will be some homework set and individual research to undertake as part of their personal development
• You will need to bring a notepad, pen and folder for storing your resources.
Prosp Anything Else
This course is free if you meet the funding criteria. i.e. are unemployed and on a recognised benefit.
Prosp Additional Costs
This is an introduction course and learners are positively encouraged to progress onto a higher level qualification such as the Level 2 Supporting Teaching and Learning course or the Level 2 Children and Young People’s Workforce course. Your tutor will be happy to provide advice with this.

If you wish to explore your learning, work or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice please telephone 01634 338400.
Prosp After
In order to get the most out of your course you will need to attend as many sessions as possible. We recommend at least 90%. If you do have a holiday booked during term time please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcomes. If you are unavoidably ill or unable to attend please contact 01634 338400 so that we can let your tutor know, and so they can send you any work you may have missed
Prosp Attendance
6.00 hrs per session
10 session(s)