
Course Description

Course Description
This qualification is intended for candidates who want to:

*Learn basic counselling skills (listening and responding skills) in helping roles
*Find out more about counselling (this qualification won’t teach them to be a counsellor, but may help them decide whether or not they want to train as one);
*Improve professional and personal relationships

This qualification does not lead directly to an employed role. However, it could enhance an existing role or increase the general employability of those seeking to enter the job market.
Prosp Description
1 Work within the limitations of the helping role

2 Establish boundaries for helping work

3 Communicate empathic understanding

4 Focus on the helpee's agenda

5 Understand the importance of self-awareness in helping work

6 Use listening and responding skills

7 Use review and feedback to develop initial counselling skills
Prosp Learn
This qualification is not suitable for those who are currently in a state of severe emotional difficulty and/or severe psychological distress.
Please be aware of the nature of the course, and in particular that the course involves experiential elements that will involve some personal disclosure and associated personal developmental activities.
Prosp Suitable
There will be an interview and assessment date to be attended. You need literacy skills (be able to follow written and verbal instructions, use alphabetical order, write coherent and structured essays and assignments) and numeracy skills (criteria is numerical based, journals and pages in each section numbered sequentially) IT Skills (all journals and assignments to be computer generated and presentations can be done on power point). You also need to be emotionally stable.
Counselling courses include elements of self-awareness, personal growth and development, this will involve self-reflection and sharing of possibly uncomfortable situations undertaken within the confines of the classroom with boundaries and rules set by learners. You will also be expected to give feedback to peers both on written work and practical skills. Due to the nature of the course all students are required to sign a confidentiality agreement at induction.
Although personal counselling is not a requirement at this level it is highly recommended and maybe specifically suggested to you if the tutor thinks it will enhance your support and development. Group and triad sessions are not a replacement for this.
Prosp Anything Else
You will need:
a computer and printer
to purchase your own stationery, including a folder and dividers and the course text book: Counselling Skills & Studies: available through CPCAB or Amazon websites.
a digital recorder for skills practice sessions
a memory stick
Prosp Additional Costs
The ICSK-L2 qualification is part of a suite of CPCAB qualifications. Once the candidate has completed this qualification, they may wish to progress ( to CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Prosp After
In order to get the most out of your course you will need to attend as many sessions as possible. We recommend at least 90%. If you do have a holiday booked during term time please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcomes. If you are unavoidably ill or unable to attend please contact 01634 338400 so that we can let your tutor know, and so they can send you any work you may have missed
Prosp Attendance
You need to use the internet for some of your course - using a tablet, laptop or computer. The tutor will speak to you about useful websites, apps and online resources which you may be asked to use for homework.
Prosp Ictskills
We try to make sure your class is as safe as possible. If you are worried about anything, please talk to your tutor or our Safeguarding Officer.
Prosp Health
5.00 hrs per session
6 session(s)