
Course Description

Course Description
This online qualification is designed to help develop your understanding of key data legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act. You'll learn about the steps organisations can take to safeguard data from common ICT system threats, and the potential consequences for both individuals and organisations if data protection fails.

Achieve a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification
• Improve your knowledge of data protection and the
importance of keeping data secure
• Further your professional development with skills that
are vital for anyone who handles data
• Learn at a time that suits you, without the need to
attend college
Prosp Description
This course is made up of four units:

Current data protection legislation, and how it is applied
Organisational procedures concerning data
Possible threats to ICT systems and data, and how to protect against them
Consequences of not protecting data, and the impact of possible breaches
Prosp Learn
This is an online course. An initial assessment is required prior to enrolment.
Prosp Anything Else
Prosp Additional Costs
If you wish to explore your learning, work or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice please telephone 01634 338400.
Prosp After
This course will need to be completed by the end date, which is in 12 weeks.
Prosp Attendance
IT/ Digital skills are fully embedded within the course as this is an online course.
The course is entirely delivered online. Learners will need to have access to a good internet connection and a computer. Learners will also need good IT skills. If learners are interested in developing their IT skills further, we have a number of Digital Skills courses available that may help.
The courseware is a pdf booklet that learners will read and then learners can go onto the website and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding. Learners may wish to print the booklet, but this is not necessary.
Prosp Ictskills
Learners are encouraged to work safely. Poor positioning of equipment can lead to Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Discover more about safe ways to work with computer equipment here:
Prosp Health
Learners will need to have access to a good internet connection and ensure all work is submitted by the end of the course.
Prosp Elearn