
Course Description

Course Description
This course is for mixed ability, experienced pottery learners wishing to plan and make a specific project focused on either handing building or throwing. It is NOT suitable for new learners or complete beginners.

You will be guided through project selection, development, design, make and glaze allowing you to complete items within the 5-week course.

This is a specific, set, 5-week course – work can not be rolled over to longer courses starting in September. All work to be finished and glazed by the end of the course, collection date TBA.

Please do not buy tools and equipment until you know that the course will run.
Prosp Description
Learners will:
1. Plan one specific project piece in response to the given title.
2. Develop 1 hand building OR 1 throwing technique to use on the project piece.
3. Select at one appropriate, decorative finish.
Prosp Learn
This course is not suitable for beinners. It is amied at those who want to design, make and finish a project item within the 5-week course. Suitable for experienced potters only.
Prosp Suitable
You will need to prepare the following tools and equipment (please do not buy until you know that the course will run).
Please bring to all sessions:

• An apron/protective clothing and sturdy footwear (no open toed shoes in the pottery) is essential for Health and Safety reasons. It is recommended that you do not wear anything you value highly. You may wish to bring household gloves to use when glazing.
• A pen / pencil - a sketchbook will be provided.
• Learners with previous experience should bring in an example of their own work / or photo of work to help in the initial assessment process.
• A basic pottery tool kit (can be purchased online fairly cheaply)
• A steel kidney scraper (an old storecard cut to shape can make an effective kidney scraper)
• A small sponge
Tools and equipmet can not be left in the classroom, please take all personal items home.

The nearest supplier for specialist tools is The Clay Cellar at Brenchley,
(Please check website for opening times and delivery details.)

Some of the guided learning hours will be used to set the group and individual learning targets for the course. Learners will then have time to revisit these targets with the tutor to assess progress.
Prosp Anything Else
An amount of clay is included within the course fees. Learners will weigh and record weight / price with the aid of the tutor before firing. Once the set amount has been reached, learners will need to weigh, record, pay and show proof or payment before items are fired.

The cost of clay includes:
Clay ordering, processing, and delivery.
Cost of glazes and finishing materials.
Cost of firing (electricity and upkeep of kilns)
Technician costs

As such, the cost per Kg. is greater than sold at wholesale price.
Prosp Additional Costs
Your tutor can talk to you about other subject related course available.

Medway Adult Education works with many partners locally such as Mid Kent Medway School of Art and the University of Kent; information about their courses can be found in our studios, café and on Moodle. Medway has an exciting and wide-range of events, exhibitions, and activities to inspire and help you make further progress - please see the community noticeboards in the Rochester Centre and again on Moodle. Your tutor will be able to talk through with your individual progression options.

Your tutor will be happy to advise you about progression courses, including those offered by other providers.
If you wish to explore your learning, work, or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.ukIf you need further advice, please telephone 01634 338400.

Your tutor will be happy to advise you about progression courses, including those offered by other providers.

If you wish to explore your learning, work, or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice, please telephone 01634 338400.

Prosp After
In order to get the most out of your course you will need to attend as many sessions as possible. We recommend at least 85%. If you do have a holiday booked during term time please let the tutor know in advance so that we can help you catch up on missed sessions and ensure that you still achieve the course outcomes. If you are unavoidably ill or unable to attend, please contact 01634 338400 so that we can let your tutor know, and so they can send you any work you may have missed

Prosp Attendance
Learners will be encouraged to research personal project ideas through museums and gallery visits. Various handouts will be provided on techniques and sources of inspiration.
Learners will be encouraged to use Moodle. Information will be provided to introduce skills, techniques, and the work of other ceramicists along with safe internet usage.
Prosp Ictskills
No open toed shoes in the pottery.
Learners will be given health and safety direction during the course.
Health and Safety Disclaimer:
By participating in the class you accept that you understand that pottery involves potentially hazardous tools and equipment and that such activity carries the risk of injury. You understand that it is your responsibility to judge your motor skills and physical ability.
It is your responsibility to ensure that by participating in classes and activities from Medway Adult Education, you will not exceed your limits while performing such activity, and you will select the appropriate level of task for your skills and abilities.

You understand that this is a pottery activity and you will need to be suitably dressed, you will need to protect your work surface and be mindful of the correct Health & Safety processes when working with clay and glazes. MAE is not responsible for damage to your items or person.
The creators, owners and distributors of this site and the material available MAE are not responsible for any injuries you may experience as a result of your use of this site and the material contained here on. By remaining on this site and/or accessing and / or using any material, you are accepting that you have read, understood and agreed to follow these basic instructions.
Prosp Health
2.00 hrs per session
5 session(s)