
Course Description

Course Description
This NCFE qualification course is an excellent introduction into the skills and understanding required to assist learners who are in or looking for employment in the adult social care sector. It will enable learners to develop knowledge of the types of roles and services in adult social care, the role of communication and how it important it is to value the individuals being cared for.

The need for adult social care continues to rise at a time when the system supporting that care is rapidly and significantly changing. With around 1.5 million people working in adult social care in England, care workers need up-to-date support and guidance to provide adequate person-centred care.
Prosp Description
This qualification will enable learners to develop an understanding of:
• Introduction to the adult social care sector
• Values and principles of adult social care
• Skills and attitudes needed to work in adult social care
• Communication in adult social care
• Roles and responsibilities of the adult social care worker

Prosp Learn
This qualification is suitable for anyone wanting to gain knowledge in the principles of working in the adult social care sector. You do not need to be in employment or a manger to participate. However, some experience of the world of work would be beneficial. The course will draw upon your previous experience and look at practices in other businesses.
The benefits of completing this course are:
• Achieve a nationally recognised Level 1 qualification
• • Evidence your competency to employers
• • Develop knowledge about the wider health and social care sector
• • Allows progression onto the Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
Prosp Suitable
• Learners will need to attend an Advice and Guidance meeting prior to enrolling.

• Learners are fully supported to achieve their goals and we strive to be an inclusive provider
Prosp Anything Else
This course is free, but you will need access to a computer and the internet.

Prosp Additional Costs
Learners are positively encouraged to progress onto other qualification courses such as:
Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to work in adult social care
Level 2 Certificate in Understanding equality and diversity
Level 2 Certificate in Understanding working with people with mental health needs
Level 2 Certificate in Understanding behaviour that challenges
Level 2 Certificate in Working with individuals with learning difficulties
Level 2 Certificate in Understanding safeguarding and prevent
Level 2 Certificate in Principles of dementia care

If you wish to explore your learning, work or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice please telephone 01634 338400.

Prosp After
This is an online course. You will be given 8 weeks to complete the course. An assessor is available to give you advice and feedback where required.
Prosp Attendance
IT/ Digital skills are fully embedded within the course as this is an online course.
The course is entirely delivered online. Learners will need to have access to a good internet connection and a computer. Learners will also need good IT skills. If learners are interested in developing their IT skills further, we have a number of Digital Skills courses available that may help.
The courseware is a pdf booklet that learners will read and then learners can go onto the website and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding. Learners may wish to print the booklet, but this is not necessary.
Prosp Ictskills
Learners are encouraged to work safely. Poor positioning of equipment can lead to Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Discover more about safe ways to work with computer equipment here:
Prosp Health
Learners will receive guidance on how to access the course online. Support will be provided by tutors via email.
Prosp Elearn