
Course Description

Course Description
This e-learning course will give you a very basic understanding of counselling skills.
Level 2 counselling skills is designed to enable you to better listen to others in informal situations and within a job role.
Evidence your competency to employers.
Improve you understanding of how counselling skills work.
Further your personal and professional development.
Learn at a time that suits you without the need to attend college.
Prosp Description
Diversity and ethics in the use of counselling skills.
Introduction to counselling theories.
Basic understanding of counselling skills and use.
The purpose of reflection and awareness when listening.
Prosp Learn
This course is suitable for those who wish to develop an understanding of active listening. You need to be self-motivating as you will be doing this course alone in your own time.
Prosp Suitable
This is an online course. An initial assessment is required prior to enrolment.
There is a practical element to this course to ensure you can use the listening skills appropriately, safely, and competently. This may be arranged over zoom or there are opportunities to come into the centre and engage in skills practice with the learners undertaking the fuller face to face course. You will need to practice the skills and then be assessed as competent in their use by the course assessor.
Although information is supplied in the e-learning book it is highly recommended you do additional reading and research and use personal examples throughout.
Prosp Anything Else
No.Although it is recommended that you do additional reading for this course.
Prosp Additional Costs
You could progress to level 3 Counselling or Life Coaching after completing a bridging course to ensure your skills and understanding are of the appropriate level.
If you wish to explore your learning, work or career options, you can speak to a fully trained careers advisor on 0800 100 900. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

If you need further advice, please telephone 01634 338400.
Prosp After
This course will need to be completed by the end date, which is in 12 weeks.
Prosp Attendance
IT/ Digital skills are fully embedded within the course as it is online.
The course is entirely delivered online through workbook learning and access. Learners will need to have access to a good internet connection and a computer. Learners will also need good IT skills. If learners are interested in developing their IT skills further, we have a number of Digital Skills courses available that may help.
The courseware is a pdf booklet that learners will read and then learners can go onto the website and answer questions to demonstrate their understanding. Learners may wish to print the booklet, but this is not necessary.
You will need to access YouTube to watch listening skills in action
Prosp Ictskills
This course may bring up issues of a sensitive nature. If you are worried about anything, please talk to your tutor or our Safeguarding Officer.
Learners are encouraged to work safely. Poor positioning of equipment can lead to Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Discover more about safe ways to work with computer equipment here:
Prosp Health
Please be mindful of confidentiality issues when sharing examples of a personal nature.
Prosp Elearn